Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our Family

Ugh! I'm sick and drippy...

It's so hard to stay motivated in the office today when all I want to do is go home and lay down! My head is killing me and my poor nose is sore from all the tissues. Who knows how many trees I have killed today just blowing me nose and washing my hands. I just want to go home and hold my babies!

Natural/Green Parenting

Everyone knows I am an avid supporter of breastfeeding. After breastfeeding 3 children, I have been through a lot and consider myself a breastfeeding guru of sorts and I do my best to support others in the process. I could go on FOREVER about the benefits of nursing your baby, so I will just stop right there. In addition to breastfeeding, co-sleeping and what they now call attachment parenting, I was able to take it a step further and Go Green!

Honestly, it was scary when I started researching  the chlorine, chemicals & bleaches used to make disposable diapers, not to mention the waste it creates. But, when Sawyer reach 2 1/2 months old I found out that the awesome caregivers at Daycare would support cloth diapers! Since then, we transitioned fully to cloth (using 1 occasional disposable for overnight use). I'll admit, you lose q lot in convenience, but you gain so much in other areas. The benefits really are outstanding! I am happy to say that Sawyer has never had a rash, UTI, infection or any other side effect typically associated with diapering. Not to mention the long term financial saving after your initial investment. I would highly recommend it!

I have also been fortunate enough to find my 3 kid parenting groove, finally! I have a pretty set schedule for each day of the week and have set Wednesdays and Sundays for baby food preparation days. This allows me to ensure Sawyer receives only healthy, natural, organic, homemade baby food. I am able to introduce so many superfoods that I wouldn't be able to give him otherwise. I have always been interested in nutrition, but after all the research I did on pesticides, preservatives, contamination and packaging I have been inspired and have a new found love of the subject. So much so that I have decided to pursue a degree in Nutrition. Eventually, I plan to write a book that include many awesome baby food recipes! I have many that I have read that I can certainly recommend.

Well, my lunch break is about over so I better get back to work. Have an awesome day cyber world!

1 Year Later...

Well, here we are, a beautiful, happy and oh so grateful family of 5. Our newest addition, Sawyer Harrison, is officially 7 months old and already more than 19lbs. He is a tall, hefty, healthy and extremely happy boy that completely lights up our life! Miranda & Ryder absolutely adore having a baby brother and can't get through their day without a kiss from their baby brother when they head off to school. Robert has slowly adjusted to parenthood, but still sometimes has the "Oh snap!, I'm a Daddy" moments once in a while. We constantly catch each other staring at him and commenting on how big and handsome he is. We truly enjoy every moment we are together. I can't express how thankful we are for each other!